Staying Focused on the Children!

WELCOME to my dream. It's been a busy year so please check back often to see my past, current, and future teaching endeavors!

Inspiration: My students inspire me in making connections that are meaningful to them. Providing instruction and lessons that are rich in creativity, developed with authenticity and applicable to real-world experiences. Motivation: My motivation is fueled by the remarkable and talented teachers who consistently explore new strategies, embrace improvement, and enthusiastically collaborate with colleagues. May this heart-filled blog ignite your creativity and spark goodness in all that you do! #kindnessisfree Sleep is optional when breakthroughs can be made!


A Beautiful Garden of Children

A Beautiful Garden of Children
First & Curious...Can you find your hands?

Friday, July 18, 2014

Go Noodle

Be the inspiration—for healthy kids, 
for a healthier world.
Research shows that bursts of physical activity help our kids perform better in the classrooom.

GoNoodle is a FREE site for classroom brain breaks.The activities range from relaxing brain breaks to energizing ones to burn off some energy. (dancing, running, deep breathing, etc) Each time we log on, our GoNoodle Champion logs more minutes, he grows and changes - this is super exciting for the kids! When we have completed our designated time for our Champ we are awarded a printable certificate of completion and we then get to choose a new champ to start.

 Check it out NOW!

Watch your CHAMP grow!  Work baby work......Motivation.

How do you incorporate Social Studies in your busy schedules?.....AIRTIME
 it is a class favorite as you select your home state, you will begin a breathing exercise (I tell the kiddos it is their job to keep the bubble floating!) and end up at a surprise destination. You will receive a fun fact post card from each destination. 

Don't waste anymore time!

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