Staying Focused on the Children!

WELCOME to my dream. It's been a busy year so please check back often to see my past, current, and future teaching endeavors!

Inspiration: My students inspire me in making connections that are meaningful to them. Providing instruction and lessons that are rich in creativity, developed with authenticity and applicable to real-world experiences. Motivation: My motivation is fueled by the remarkable and talented teachers who consistently explore new strategies, embrace improvement, and enthusiastically collaborate with colleagues. May this heart-filled blog ignite your creativity and spark goodness in all that you do! #kindnessisfree Sleep is optional when breakthroughs can be made!


A Beautiful Garden of Children

A Beautiful Garden of Children
First & Curious...Can you find your hands?

Tuesday, September 12, 2017

Scholastic Book Club

Scholastic Reading Club
Our Class Code: MKFVV

Occasionally, I will send home scholastic book order forms. The books are reasonably priced and many of these books are leveled, making it easy for you and your child to pick out a book that he/she can read or one for your child to grow into. Please do not feel obligated to purchase any books. However, if you do wish to order books, please send a check and the order form in an envelope with your child's name on the outside. Please make sure you make checks payable to Scholastic Book Clubs and remember to put your child's name on your check and the order form. You can also order the books directly from the website using our class code. 
Go online to: 
and enter our 5 digit Class Code: MKFVV follow the instructions to place your order online. When you purchase books, we earn points to buy new books for our classroom library!

Click HERE to submit easy online orders!

First Grade Classroom Supplies

Freshly Squeezed in First Grade is using a cool, new tool to help families with our back-to-school supply list and our classroom wish list(s). is a one stop site where you can always find the most up to date supply lists for our class.

Our list(s) are available 24/7 from any device—even on your smart phone!  Please continue to “follow” our classroom lists for any new updates as our classroom needs often change throughout the year.

Thank you for taking the time to view our class wish list! We are extremely thankful for your generosity.

With a grateful heart~
Freshly Squeezed in First Grade 2017-2018

Sunday, April 10, 2016

The Headquarters of Teaching & Learning!

When there is an increase in student registration and an additional classroom is needed:

The real complicated issue becomes...

Where to host this additional functional classroom in an already crowded school?

Yes, I've been that teacher who has been challenged by space when preparing an effective, productive, and safe learning classroom. 

Creating this functional working classroom space required planning, ordering, organizing, responsibility, and time. When feeling exhausted and frustrated I redirected my energy and gained motivation by focusing on the students who were anticipating an adventurous learning space to call their own.

At times I felt extremely challenged with my decision to transform this space into a functional classroom space. 

What was I thinking? 
Would I have it ready for the first day of school?

I would have never pulled off this amazing transformation without the selfless hours and emotional and physical support that my parents so lovingly provided me with.

As educators we are required by the department of education pursuant of state and federal laws to provide and maintain common elements in all of our learning classrooms