Staying Focused on the Children!

WELCOME to my dream. It's been a busy year so please check back often to see my past, current, and future teaching endeavors!

Inspiration: My students inspire me in making connections that are meaningful to them. Providing instruction and lessons that are rich in creativity, developed with authenticity and applicable to real-world experiences. Motivation: My motivation is fueled by the remarkable and talented teachers who consistently explore new strategies, embrace improvement, and enthusiastically collaborate with colleagues. May this heart-filled blog ignite your creativity and spark goodness in all that you do! #kindnessisfree Sleep is optional when breakthroughs can be made!


A Beautiful Garden of Children

A Beautiful Garden of Children
First & Curious...Can you find your hands?

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Gr.3-Classroom Jobs

Classroom Jobs
Ensuring that students take an active role in maintaining the classroom
I assign classroom jobs on a rotating basis.

Every day students hold jobs in the classroom community.  Each job is a paid position, and students receive credits in their accounts that cna be cashed in for Oliver Dollars (our classroom money) at the Oliver Bank every other Friday.


1.     Homework Helper/Assistant: The homework checkers check off students who turn in all homework assignments each day.  Staple new homework packets together and place in student cubbies. (Helps the teacher pass out Homework Folders at the end of the day.)

2.     Attendance Secretary: Takes attendance and brings it to office.

3.     Line Leader: Leads the class everywhere we go, and manages the line for talkers and stragglers. It is your line, Take it seriously and keep us quiet!

4.     Caboose: Lines up at the end of the line each time we leave room, Make sure the door is closed when we leave the room.  If the train leaves the room and you are not on board, the Caboose notifies Erika or Anne.

5.     Class Photographer: Takes photos of special events/lessons.

6.     Substitute: Fills in for anyone that is absent or helps any student who may request extra help with their job.

7.     Supervisor: Supervises that the jobs are being completed.

8.     Trash Stasher: Picks up large scraps, and dusts.

9.     Equipment Manager: Makes sure that all equipment has been signed out and then returned.

10. Class Librarian: The class librarian changes the "book nook" rotation chart each day and makes sure that the library books are organized correctly.

11. News Reporter:  Announces news, calendar, and weather.

12.  Plant Manager: Waters plants as needed

13.   Class Messenger: The messenger does all errands for the teacher when necessary.  Answers the telephone in the classroom when Erika & Anne are busy helping students.

14.   Class Banker: The Banker cashes all students' checks on Payday, stamping the checks with PAID and initialing the back to show that the check was received.

15.   Class Cashier: The cashier works at the class store.  He or she takes the Oliver Dollars and makes change for student shoppers.

In charge of table (groups), gets materials and books when needed.  Makes sure the table is alert when the “Give Me Five” command is given!

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