Staying Focused on the Children!

WELCOME to my dream. It's been a busy year so please check back often to see my past, current, and future teaching endeavors!

Inspiration: My students inspire me in making connections that are meaningful to them. Providing instruction and lessons that are rich in creativity, developed with authenticity and applicable to real-world experiences. Motivation: My motivation is fueled by the remarkable and talented teachers who consistently explore new strategies, embrace improvement, and enthusiastically collaborate with colleagues. May this heart-filled blog ignite your creativity and spark goodness in all that you do! #kindnessisfree Sleep is optional when breakthroughs can be made!


A Beautiful Garden of Children

A Beautiful Garden of Children
First & Curious...Can you find your hands?

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Gr.3-Drop Everything & Read

Drop Everything and Read
 Personal choice reading in a kid-friendly "cozy reading nook"!

Offering a time daily for students to choose their own reading selections. 
This reading time is not about leveled reading books. Students have the opportunity to
read their selection to the whole class, with a partner, or independently.

Kids Reading to Kids
Developing self-confidence and the inner drive to succeed.
 Cooperative Learning 
Students work together to understand texts,
helping each other learn and apply comprehension strategies.

Increasing Vocabulary
Using words they hear orally to make sense of the words they see in print.

Building Fluency
Students offer feedback and praise frequently for expressive reading.

Independent Silent Reading
Fostering independence and a love for reading.

To create the cozy reading nooks in our classroom we work as a class to brainstorm a list of possible "safe locations". 

 I provide students with guidelines:
You  need to be seen
You can't disturb others
You may not wander
You're to practice your reading skills

I also create a rotation nook schedule that allows the children to read in all of the designated areas. Our cozy nooks were filled with:

Beach Chairs
Beanbag Chairs
Papasan chairs
Yoga Mats
Pop up Tents
Oversized Soft Kid Chairs

Most importantly I use this time to interact with my students by engaging in conversations about what they were reading. I find that as a vital part of a balanced literacy approach this keeps the students engaged and on task during this silent reading time.

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