Staying Focused on the Children!

WELCOME to my dream. It's been a busy year so please check back often to see my past, current, and future teaching endeavors!

Inspiration: My students inspire me in making connections that are meaningful to them. Providing instruction and lessons that are rich in creativity, developed with authenticity and applicable to real-world experiences. Motivation: My motivation is fueled by the remarkable and talented teachers who consistently explore new strategies, embrace improvement, and enthusiastically collaborate with colleagues. May this heart-filled blog ignite your creativity and spark goodness in all that you do! #kindnessisfree Sleep is optional when breakthroughs can be made!


A Beautiful Garden of Children

A Beautiful Garden of Children
First & Curious...Can you find your hands?

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Bucket Fillers


Bucket Fillers is a program based on the educational programs of Merrill Lundgren, the Bucket Man.  Carol McCloud wrote the children’s book Have You Filled a Bucket Today: A Guide to Daily Happiness for Kids. This book tells the story of how we all carry invisible buckets that hold our feelings. When our buckets are full, we are happy; when they are empty, we are sad. It is important that students learn that when they fill a friend's bucket, they also fill their own bucket because it feels good to make others happy.

Goals of the Bucket-Filling school program: 
1. To teach children how to reach out and express love, respect and appreciation to others
2. To help children become other-centered rather than self-centered
3. To help children express their feelings (good and bad) in a healthy manner
4. To help children understand where feelings originate and how to protect their feelings from being hurt
5. To establish a framework for more constructive words and actions and less bullying
6. To create more positive home and school environments

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